Where to Buy

  • Are your products available online?

    Start by checking our Store Locator to find a local retailer near you. Having trouble locating a store? You can help us get nearer sooner by letting your local store manager know you’re looking for our CAULIPOWER Pizzas or Chicken Tenders in the freezer section.
  • Where can I find your Pizzas in Canada?

    Our CAULIPOWER Pizzas are available in more than 1,000 stores in Canada. We're adding stores daily, and you'll find the most up to date list of CAULIPOWERful stores near you using our Store Locator. If you don't see your fave, hold tight - we're growing fast! You can help us get nearer sooner by ...
  • Where can I find your products in the United States?

    Our CAULIPOWER products are available in more than 25,000 stores nationwide, so there is a good chance you can find us in a freezer aisle near you. We're adding stores daily, and you'll find the most up to date list of stores near you using our Store Locator. If you don't see your fave, hold tigh...