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GET /conversations

Issuing a GET call to conversations will allow you to retrieve conversations for the Brand

Example Request
curl 'https://{brand}' \
  -u {login-email}:{api-token} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
  "page_size": 30,
  "page_count": 1,
  "total_count": 10,
  "conversations": [
      "subject": "Knock, knock?",
      "slug": "knock-knock",
      "status": 0,
      "created_at": "2000-01-01T00:00:01.001-01:00",
      "tag_list": ["joke"],
      "message": {
        "body": "Who's there?"
      "last_customer_message": {
        "body": "Insert joke here",
        "created_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:01.001-01:00",
      "author": {
        "name": "bob",
        "email": ""
      "assignee": null,
      "category": {
        "name": "Support",
        "slug": "support",
        "email": "",
        "channel": 1
      "followers": [{
        "name": "bob",
        "email": ""
Optional Params

By default, this API end point only returns unarchived conversations.

  • filter with archived, open, unassigned, or all will show only Archived, Unresolved, Unassigned or All conversations, respectively.
  • for with a value matching a known user email will return only conversations relevant to that user. For example, for a customer user, this would be conversations visible to that customer.
  • for_id with a value matching a known user id (from SSO) will return only conversations relevant to that customer user.
  • sort with a value of updated will return conversations in descending order of last customer update. A value of changed will return conversations in descending order of any update or status change. The default sort order is by conversation create_at.
  • tag with string value (comma separated) will return conversations matching specific tags.
  • category with a string value will return conversations matching a specific Channel (internally called category) matching the slug value.
  • data with a hash of key/value pairs (e.g. data[key]=value) will return conversations with data matching those key/value pairs.
  • page with any number will allow you to paginate through results. page_size and page_count are provided by the result.
  • start_date and end_date (ISO8601 format) will allow filtering of conversations by time of latest customer message.
  • The slug uniquely identifies a conversation.
  • The category/channel value denotes the channel where conversation originated: 1 (Email), 2 (Twitter), 3 (Facebook), 6 (Chat), 7 (API), 8 (Instagram), 9 (SMS)
  • The origin value denotes where conversation originated. Note this can be different from the channel, since conversations can be moved and both Reamaze.js and Email conversations go into Email channels: 0 (Chat), 1 (Email), 2 (Twitter), 3 (Facebook), 6 (Classic Mode Chat), 7 (API), 8 (Instagram), SMS (9), WhatsApp (15), Staff Outbound (16), Contact Form (17)
  • The status value denotes the status of the conversation: 0 (Unresolved), 1 (Pending, e.g. collision), 2 (Resolved), 3 (Spam), 4 (Archived), 5 (On Hold), 6 (Auto-Resolved), 7 (Chatbot Assigned), 8 (Chatbot Resolved)
  • The followers array lists all users (staff and customers) who are involved in the conversation thread as either active participants or CC recipients.